Basically saying woah ur awesome, queen
Friend 2: 😏😏
by That_nobody14 October 22, 2020
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A reply acknowledging a clever, or sarcastically, an unclever pun.

Person A: I sneezed.
Person B: 'snot funny!
Person C: @ Person B: i c wut u did thar
Person A: I sneezed.
Person B: 'snot funny!
Person C: @ Person B: i c wut u did thar
by scy1192 May 23, 2008
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An expression used when you are confused and then it explained you then follow with a "O I C WUT U DID THAR!"
P1: Dude this is slippy toad!
P2: Wuts that?
P1: Its an expression for poor quality
by MRMANNTHEWISE March 31, 2009
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When someone goes afk and stops responding without notice, and you ask "did u ded" as in did they die? Or are they just bein rood.
Destini: Hey, did you see that cool show last night? I just can't stop talking about ittt

Austin: Yea! It was so cool, what was ur fav part?

*5 minutes go by *

Austin: And you said you couldn't stop talking about it

*15 more minutes*

Austin :did u ded
by Dr.Propain January 6, 2018
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Im bored. Im supposed to be doing hw but i hate it. I mean who doesn't? School is torture. Homework is beyond torture. Im just typing random things on the urban dictionary. Why am i even writing this? This isn't gonna get posted. If u r voting plz vote post. and actually read it.
No but srsly how did u find this?
by Why is this happening January 6, 2021
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basically if u didn’t pray u got sum bad coming for u
guy 1: did u pray tdy?
guy 1: did u pray tdy?
guy2: nah bro
guy1: cuz if u didn’t i might jus have to dig u down on sun gangsta shi
*hella turbulence
by oliverclothsof September 12, 2023
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