This is the TCA in Addison Texas. I Went there from 3rd grade to 10th grade. There is alot of money at the school its pretty cool. TCA is awesome, you wont find another school like it. Good college prep school, helps u get into places...
People got cash... Count the BMW's in the parking lot, thats out of like 400 kids in the highschool. If there is less than 15 or 20, u got the wrong school.
by Y'all know me October 21, 2004
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The GAYEST place on the fucking world EARTH! Everyone is plane...GAH!
Kid that goes to holy trinity episcopal-"Sir, I will be forced to thrash you with two projectiles from my firearms directly into your outer cranium."
Public School Kids:
"Fool I'll give ya two shots wit da glocks in da dome."
by T3h c00lest kid EV-AR January 8, 2005
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A school in South London full of kids calling themselves roadmen.
Most of them live far away in places like Croydon.
Guy 1: Hey, where do those kids come from?
Guy 2: Oh, they're from trinity academy, they think they're roadmen.
by May 18, 2021
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