A Halloween party where people are REQUIRED to wear costumes that SJWs would find "culturally offensive".
For the Trigger Treating party, Dick wore a sombrero and poncho, while Jane wore a slutty Pocahontas costume.
by FreeSpeechAnonymous October 31, 2016
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Going door to door, usually on Halloween, threatening people with a weapon (usually a gun) because you're too ghetto to wear a costume. Can be for candy or money.
You know she be Trigger Treating like a mother!
by Darth Nerdgasm June 23, 2011
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the act of going door to door with a gun and stealing candy. Preferably on October 31st.
Clay was not satisfied with the amount of candy he received on Halloween, so he decided to go trigger treating and filled 3 trashbags of candy, watches and money by the end of the night.
by WFItty June 23, 2011
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