A person (typically male) from the state of California who thinks that anything and everything that they do is far better than what anyone else does. Said person sleeps with many, many women and lies about it in order to make them appear to be a gentlemen and of course to keep the fear of contracting an STD to a minimum. This person usually has homosexual tendencies, but is too macho to admit to it. This said person has an ego that is much bigger than the rest of him and usually inspires an eye-roll from a crowd every time he enters a room. Not one for intelligence, this person is usually challenged when it comes to any task involving brain power. These people usually end up in a trailer park with four ex wives and 12 children.
"Oh em gee! Rob is such a tool! Let's throw rocks at him!"
by The Navy's Finest January 22, 2010
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A guy who pops his collar, goes tanning, and wears shirts five sizes too small. Very often, they can be found sporting growing-up-Gotti haircuts with pencil thin facial hair to match. Most of these guys prefer to drive a hot car, one that equally shallow girls will swoon over. They also prefer to listen to bad music.
"Get a load of that tool over there with the pink shirt and yellow Live Strong bracelet!"
by Jonathanagan April 30, 2008
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A little immature ginger who doesnt realize nobody likes him. He ignorrantly walks around thinking he is actually loved. These people tend to be cocky and have nothing to back them up.
people- "Harrison, lets go to the Cherokee party."

Tool- "Naw broski, thats gay. Lets go get schwayze."

People- "Harrison, lets go play basketball in alkek."

Harrison- "Naw, faggot. I wanna go slurge on adrianne."
by ral dawg April 13, 2010
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The greatest band ever in my opinion. they are their own genre. Some metal screams from Maynard on vocals and Adam on guitar, but still a somewhat lighter side (loathed by some tool fans). Tool is indeed a band to be remmebered for years.
i love tool and would take a bullet for maynard
by m4n4rd1sg0d February 16, 2005
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Someone who is easily swayed or derailed from ones own opinion or true feelings by perceived outside influences.
Jessamyn is such a tool. She totally wants Skip, but keeps playing stupid games because she thinks other people think it's cool.
by Skipabeat January 2, 2009
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Somebody who looks good and knows it and uses their looks to their advantage.
Angelo "Teary Tool" (Tool Academy 3), Shane (L word), Myself (Planet Awesome)
by existential6 April 13, 2010
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A shithead, doper boyfriend who doesn't know how to treat a girl
My boyfriend's such a tool, he never does anything nice for me.
by ImBreeeee January 18, 2009
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