Derived from the word "platonic," meaning "friendly," and also used as the opposite of romantic. "Play-tonic" is used to describe a "friends with benefits" situation. Their relationship is platonic, not romantic, but it also includes "play," or sensual/sexual interaction.
Person 1: Hey dude so are Mike and Jen just friends, or are they like a couple now?
Person 2: Neither, it's totally play-tonic.
by John Joseph Yossarian November 10, 2010
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jack daniels whiskey and tonic water. Like a jack and coke, except with tonic water
In a bar, "I'll have a jack and coke or jack and tonic"
by Marilyn Mon-shoe box-roe September 28, 2013
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When the duck butter and the swamp ass meet, form a mixture and drip down
Dude, my testicle tonic is getting out on control! It's making me wet!
by Kay April 4, 2003
A tonic derived from ones cock!
Carl! Why are you drinking that shit? It tastes like Cock Tonic ya fucking Cock Tonic drinking fuck!
by Auron117 March 2, 2015
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Tonic-Rust is when lemon/orange flavored/colored drink is poored on a red heads crutch.
Tom "Oh geeeze someone poored fanta on my already red pubes!!! i just got Tonic-Rust!!!"
by Hoxzyk March 23, 2011
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A Jim tonic is the type of guy to hang around the woodies parking lot, mid afternoon with a liter bottle of vodka in one hand and a bent joint in the other. Jim tonics spend their nights preaching the word of the lord to ket goblins in back alleys. Their favorite pastimes include customizing crocs and talking about how stoned they are. Jim tonics show no emotion towards any man woman or child except for their pet dogs.
My friend James is a real Jim tonic, I saw him handing out rollies to children behind lidl the other morning.
by Scuddfromdahood July 19, 2019
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A type of smoothy made from the pre-blended juice of a handful of grass, Iceburg and romanian lettuce, raw white and chestnut mushrooms, black pepper and OJ.. within hours all symptoms gone for good.
Darling, could you pop to shop an get the ingredients to a tyranny tonic.. feel a bit of a cold coming along.. the silver lining of 2020!
by Rilighan February 2, 2021
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