Totally Inapropriate Information!

This is used when someone not only shared information that no one wants to EVER hear then goes on to explain all the sensory details of what ever they where sharing. the details are usually disgusting!!
After Jessica explained her first anal/oral sex experience to everyone in the cafeteria. Kelly explained that was TII (Totally inapropriate information)
by People are gross!!! September 1, 2009
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Mortii ma-tii ( your mother's dead relatives)

Is the daily curse of romanians ,they are usually using it as "fuck your mother's dead relatives - (futu-ti mortii ma-tii) to express dissatisfaction ,pain or just saying it random for no sense.
*Walking around the house, I suddenly hit my finger in the corner of the bed*

by CrispyCrustyKid May 6, 2021
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"I love you" when typed with your hands shifted to the left of the keyboard. Used as a secretive way to express your love so nobody else understands, while still looking like a dumbass in the process.
Person 1: u kicw tiy
Person 2: u kicw tiy rii!!1
Person 3: ...Dumbasses.
by i_love_ska October 26, 2007
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It can be used as a swear or as a answer to a question when you don't know what to answer but you consider the other person stupid.

It is translated literaly by "your dead mothers people"

Ce morții mă-tii vrei? / What the fuck do you want?

-Cum de a lovit maşina? / How did he hit the car?
-Morții mă-sii?! / I don't know,but he is stupid.
by Guşteru April 18, 2019
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(your mom’s breed)

in romania, this phase is very common

it has different meanings depending on the sentence.

1. when a romanian is really pissed and starts swearing. when you hear “fututi rasa ma-tii” (fuck your mom’s breed), theres a 50-50 chance they’ll beat you up.

2. when someone asks whats your animal’s breed.

Marian: But I cant pay for tonight, balls, i told you this morning!

Matei: rasa ma-tii de prost! i wont buy you cigarettes anymore.


Maria: omg!!! your cat is so cute!!! what’s it’s breed?

Andrei: rasa ma-tii.
Marian: But I cant pay for tonight, balls, i told you this morning!

Matei: rasa ma-tii de prost! i wont buy you cigarettes anymore.


Maria: omg!!! your cat is so cute!!! what’s it’s breed?

Andrei: rasa ma-tii.
by JuloAnhedonia January 11, 2022
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When someone gets in front of you in traffic you say mormântu' mă tii
by Tata Fane March 18, 2020
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An insult in Romanian which means fucking a mother's vagina
chizda matiiii
Tutz chizda ma-tii
by probablythisnameisntused January 26, 2020
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