In a similar vein to a Tumblr Sexyman, The Komaeda Archetype is a character comparable to Nagito Komaeda from the DanganRonpa (who this is named after) franchise. Komaeda got his fame in the fanbase from his tragic past and his personality easy to be pure tween goo-goo eyes bait. However, due to the writing of his character and the games in general, Komaeda is relatively divisive amongst the fanbase with fans either loving him or hating him.
Typically, a character who falls under The Komaeda Archetype fits under these fours tropes:
- The character plays a major role in the story
- The character plays an antagonistic role but is not originally presented as such.
- The character is morally grey; they have a justification for their actions and/or reason for redemption
- The fanbase of the character’s source material is split on their options regarding them; fans either adore them or despise them
Although more factors can contribute to a character being a Komaeda, these four are the most important determining who does or does not count as a Komaeda.
(This concept originated from Tumblr user @HellTabby)
Honestly, I wish I could like character name, but you can really tell that they were written with The Komaeda Archetype in mind.
by MahouDou February 4, 2023
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