Social Media Bitch. Not responding timely or appropriately to social media posts.
OMG she is such a smitch. Wouldnt respond to my facebook post but liked my boyfriend's status.

My bestie said she was working late but then tweeted about her fab cocktail at the new trendy bar.
by Stuffed Pepper February 21, 2013
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n : a tiny or scarcely detectable amount syn: smidge, shred, scintilla, whit, iota, tittle, smidgen, smidgeon, smidgin
"Would you like cheese on that?"
"Yes please, but just a smitch."
by Bownsaw April 25, 2003
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Nudge it over a smitch so it lines up.

Add a pinch of salt and a smitch of sugar.
by GrandmaSue98010 August 14, 2014
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A small amount of ejaculate (human, male sperm), that is lost on one's person. As such was the case in the comedic film "There's Something About Mary", when the Ben Stiller character has just masterbated and left SMITCH on his earlobe.
As such was the case in the comedic film "There's Something About Mary", when the Ben Stiller character has just masterbated and left SMITCH on his earlobe.
by binkydyr May 2, 2009
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(latin - smitcho, smitchere) 1. a callous man often spotted seeking pity in bars, taverns, and diners; 2. one who has obtained a new face. (see also: Finch)
Upon reviewing your application, Smitch, we at the Finch School of Medicine regret to inform you that you have not been selected as a candidate for the class of 2007.
by bob March 12, 2003
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A word game played between bored friends where one person puts together a random string of letters into a pronounceable, but non-English word, and the other person has to explain what incident created that sound effect. The more hilarious the better.
John: Let's play Smitch.
Jared: Okay. I'll start... "Fliff!"
John: A mosquito flying into a candle flame.
Jared: Good one.
John: "Kloink!"
Jared: Someone flings a quarter at a veterans parade and it bounces off an old dude's helmet.
John: Ha ha ha! Yeah... "Kloink!"
by kevnar October 25, 2008
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