Go-Getter Greg. n. (go-get-ter gray-guh).
Code for 'creeper'. Reference to the song "Go-Getter Greg" by St. Louis alt/emo rock band Ludo. Typically used when the creeper is in vicintity or may be able to see the conversation.
Brother: Go-Getter Greg's here. Just came in the door.

Sister: Man, I wish Go-Getter Greg would creep on someone else.
by Jack Attack 720 January 19, 2009
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Employee 1: "I can't stand working with Angela, she makes more mistakes than anyone and as soon as I make the smallest typo she red pens the crap out of me."

Employee 2: "Yeah, she's a real "Agressive-go-getter."

Employee 1: Well said.
by PossumKing February 28, 2011
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When a Woman/Man giving a blowjob chokes/gags themselves by forcing their own head down to the base of the receiver’s dick.
“Yo Connor’s mom was sucking me off on my break and man when I tell you she was a professional go getter
by Wyllie’s mom June 30, 2023
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