The majority of people who are citizens of Red Sox Nation. The typical tardation nation member usually tends to be that of a white male who is overweight, unintelligent, poor, lazy and sometimes very odoriferous. They spend most of their day blogging about Boston sports and they are always seen wearing clothing which has either Red Sox, Celtics, Bruins or Patriots emblems on them. This cheap and ugly clothing, which is sometimes mixed and matched always seems to be purchased from Walmart.
Hey Joba, check out that moron who is driving that Ford 150. Yeah, the Masshole wearing the backwards Red Sox hat and Tom Brady jersey who has all the stupid ass Celtics, Patriots and Red Sox bumper stickers all over it. Yeah dude, he's your stereo-typical Red Sox Nation Tardation Nation member! I wonder if he knows that the extra large B sticker on his truck stands for Bandwagon? What a dumb ass.
by HankwillgetusaChampionship! August 14, 2008
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