While browsing through cuties' profiles on social media sites, one then carefully selects a picture to "Like" in an effort to send a subtle message in the form of a notification to said cutie. Typically done by a male towards a female due to their exponentially greater sex drive. The specific target picture depends on the person who is "Liking" the picture as well as the person who is in the picture. There is much strategy that goes into the decision process which includes but is not limited to: How long ago the picture was posted, what time of the day the picture is "Liked", and the amount of clothing/sexuality in the picture.
"I hooked up with Emma last night. That tactical like from earlier in the week was clutch."

"Ali thinks I'm a creep because I liked a pic of her from 6 months ago of her bending over in a bikini. My tactical like backfired. "
by BroDudeGuy December 12, 2014
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