The prophet of the red bull

A woman alone at night

Tired and sad the only thing keeping her alive is the threat of her girlfriends death


She would lay down her live for red bull

For redbull is the bringer of good the delivery of happiness the heroes of sleepy the winner of the battle of red bull or monster

Red bull is her god

Drink the blood of the red bull god in the crack house by the commons

Eat the meat of the red bull god

We shall rise

Red Bull will rise

If you go against the rule of red bull you will bath in the glorieuse juices until you are pure

Sin in the name of red bull

Never be quite yell only nonsense

Confuse and distract others

Insult the god and be thrown into the fighting pit for ever


On night cold and dark

The wind will blow strong and the rain will pour

Rain? No red bull

The sun will raise
Sun? No red bull

The water will run to high

Water? No red bull


If you want to be safe from the day of redbull

Join us

Save a spot in red heaven for yourself
by fuckingUSERNAME August 3, 2023
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