It's that nerdy cute girl you've always had the deepest crush on but you were too intimidated to ever confess.
She's found in the quiet corners of the library or the benches in the park reading her book. Sudipti is also a person who has huge appetite and loves to eat just because she's bored.

Sudiptis are low key obsessed with evil and love serial murderers. But you can't talk her out of it because she's way too smart to lose an argument.
"If I were a Sudipti, I'd know not to wipe my fingerprints off of the coffee mugs"
"Why are you buying do many books? I'm pulling a Sudipti this weekend."
by Orca69 November 22, 2021
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Someone who often try's to deceive you. Is often a crazy person claiming about layouts on Facebook. They may go as far as too Photoshop a picture to make you believe them. If you meet a sudipti try to not listen to there crazy ways.
That chick on Facebook is such a sudipti trying to make us believe that facshook has layout.
by 313162 June 30, 2011
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