Parents that believe everything their child says or does, especially the younger one.
Dude, both of my parents are sucker parents, they believe everything my little sister does, if she's crying because she can't get her way, then when she gets her way, she quickly stops crying, that should tell you that she was just putting on a scene!

Your dad is such a sucker parent.

Mom! Only a sucker parent would believe that actually hurt him.
by DDeeDD January 1, 2016
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its when u pack weed into the cone piece really hard compacted to the rim and sink it without coughing
yo your a rim sucker
by reclaimedpussy October 4, 2022
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A person of color who loves to snack on the seeds of a juicy watermelon on a hot day.
by DNP2003 May 17, 2023
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