The equivalent of “allahu akbar” for white Kiwi mosque shooters.
Dozens of Muslims die when you hear the yell of “Subscribe to Pewdiepie”
by Martin Luther Cream March 16, 2019
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Subsribe to "Pewdiepie" literally means Subscribe to "Pewdiepie". "Pewdiepie" is known as a youtuber and is currently being chased by another Indian youtube channel called "T-series" that is running by Bollywood or some kind of film making company. In order to help "Pewdiepie", we must spread this message so that he could'nt get dethroned by "T-series".
Matt: Have you heard about the recent youtube war or something related to Pewds (Pewdiepie)?
Brandon: I think yes.
Matt: Should we do something about it?
Brandon: Hell yeah, we should shout Subscribe to Pewdiepie and help him get more subsscribers or maybe even buy billboards to advertise for him (Mrbeast refrence).
Matt: What about we keep talking "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" literally none stop till all the audience subscribes to him
(Markiplier refrence)?
Brandon: I think thats good, lets go prepare!
by HotdogJesus December 4, 2018
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Subscribe /səbˈskrʌɪb/ That red button next to or under Pewdiepie's Youtube Channel (PRESS IT)

Pewdiepie/ Swedish creator who makes great content


PewdiePie is losing the battle! SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE
by iwascringeimsorry April 21, 2019
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"Subscribe to PewDiePie" is a phrase or clause (depending on how it is used) where one person is asking another to subscribe to the YouTube channel known as "PewDiePie".
As a clause:
Kevin: Subscribe to PewDiePie
Bob: I'm already subscribed
Kevin: Good.

As a phrase:
Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irvin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Uncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfeschlegel­steinhausen­bergerdorff­welche­vor­altern­waren­gewissenhaft­schafers­wessen­schafe­waren­wohl­gepflege­und­sorgfaltigkeit­beschutzen­vor­angreifen­durch­ihr­raubgierig­feinde­welche­vor­altern­zwolfhundert­tausend­jahres­voran­die­erscheinen­von­der­erste­erdemensch­der­raumschiff­genacht­mit­tungstein­und­sieben­iridium­elektrisch­motors­gebrauch­licht­als­sein­ursprung­von­kraft­gestart­sein­lange­fahrt­hinzwischen­sternartig­raum­auf­der­suchen­nachbarschaft­der­stern­welche­gehabt­bewohnbar­planeten­kreise­drehen­sich­und­wohin­der­neue­rasse­von­verstandig­menschlichkeit­konnte­fortpflanzen­und­sich­erfreuen­an­lebenslanglich­freude­und­ruhe­mit­nicht­ein­furcht­vor­angreifen­vor­anderer­intelligent­geschopfs­von­hinzwischen­sternartig­raum Sr.: I am going to subscribe to PewDiePie later today.
by anonym0u$e August 16, 2023
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