To be cut off before you can tell someone you like them
Guy 1- “Yeah I got Straight armed today.”
Guy 2- “Ah man that sucks. You were to good for her anyways”
by raptorjack180 August 29, 2020
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The process by which a liquid may be imbibed from a container held at arms length, with elbow unbent.
Mate, your banter is shit, straight arm that pint now.
by sixfootsam March 26, 2007
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When you pick up a bottle of Galliano Sambuca (black flavour), using a straight arm pouring it in your mouth.
What started as a lovely Chinese banquet for new years dinner ended up with straight arm pouring, Black lit in the mouth and dancing on the table tops.
by Sam Fitzpatrick January 11, 2011
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