To fart on ones hand and then proceed to masturbate vigorously.
Jimmys girlfriend performed oral sex on him one Sunday night. His wang tasted like a steamy turd so she said "What the fuck jimmmy your dick tastes like shit" in which he replied "I know hunny I'm a sick fuck, today I was Stank Spanking it like it was my hobby"
by 31AJF31 May 4, 2009
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A “Stank And Spank” is an excretory event during which, upon the arrival of the sole participant, masturbation and defacation are simultaneously commenced in tandem earnest.
“William, quoth his fair mother, participated in a Stank And Spank in his bathroom. The combined smell of the semen and feces was quite foul by all acounts. Surely, the worst event to happen since the overrun of Kvatch by Daedra.”
by eternalsadness January 30, 2022
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