SRC GAMER is a lizard from a swamp in Thailand. In his natural habitat. He eats cockroaches and creates bad drawings using frog urine located in the swamp. SRC GAMER's family beats him up because he's being very retarded! instead of helping his lizard father and gorilla mother to gather cockroaches for dinner. He plays GAYMOD RECOCK HALAL अने आप को बदबूदार भारतीय बकवास PUNJA!! What a bad person! He also creates fan-fiction of himself because he can't communicate with the other gender in real life. Rumor says he drowned 5 children in the swamp and used their corpse as a ragdoll in GAYMOD RECOCk halal अने आप को बदबूदार भारतीय बकवास!! Sadly, The stinky thailand lizard was doxxed in 2021 because of sheer stupidness. So all people over the world donated elephant poop in Amazon packages to his house (swamp in Thailand). it was his favorite food! so he became very happy! and after that more of his lizard brain melted and he made more fanfiction about himself
Person 1 : Do you know SRC GAMER???
Person 2 : Yes! he's a stinky thailand lizard
by god of shitting September 12, 2022
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