Verb: to cut short, or shorten

Spagettisize is a verb generally used to say something is being shortened, or cut short. It's undetermined where it originated, but it's believe to have appeared somewhere in Italy in 2003. Spagettisize has also grown to mean 'to interrupt'. Additionally, spagettisize has been translated into many other forms such as:
Spagettist: A person who often interrupts people. (Andy is such a Spaggettist.)
Spaggettisizedly: An Adverb that means briefly. (Andy ran spaggettisizedly.)

There have also been reports of an informal second person form of the verb:
Spagettest: Thou Spagettest our meeting.
He cut me off:
He spagettisized me.

He needs to shorten his essay:
He needs to spagettisize his essay
by Third and Thomas March 11, 2008
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Verb: to cut short, or shorten

Spagettisize is a verb generally used to say something is being shortened, or cut short. It's undetermined where it originated, but it's believe to have appeared somewhere in Italy in 2003. Spagettisize has also grown to mean 'to interrupt'. Additionally, spagettisize has been translated into many other forms such as:
Spagettist: A person who often interrupts people. (Andy is such a Spaggettist.)
Spaggettisizedly: An Adverb that means briefly. (Andy ran spaggettisizedly.)

There have also been reports of an informal second person form of the verb:
Spagettest: Thou Spagettest our meeting.
He cut me off:
He spagettisized me.

He needs to shorten his essay:
He needs to spagettisize his essay
by Third and Thomas March 10, 2008
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