Sora the troll is a youtuber. He is also secretly an English teacher. He teaches helpful Japanese words and phrases, makes great music, and trolls a girl on discord.
Sora the troll is God.
by BTS.TROLL August 25, 2019
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A funny little Japanese man that interacts with mortals in a way that makes there life less mundane.
Yeah, so like yesterday someone was being so Sora the troll-is towards me. It made my day
by DaDdYchokes August 29, 2019
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"sora the troll" is a man with large dong that trumps 10+ inches without being errect. He is known for "sword fighting" and doing the helicopter. Somesay the man is a legend. Mortals you are wrong, he is a god. In reality, the "sora the troll" is a penis that has control over the body of a japanese nerd.
"sora the troll" milk.
by UrinatedFlower0 October 19, 2019
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(Pronounced as "so-rah der tro-ll")

1. (verb, used at people) Nerd.

2. No-lifer.

3. (noun) When you get disowned by your own mom.

1. That person has been studying non-stop all day, what a Sora The Troll.

2. "Hey you're Sora The Troll, go get a life!"

3. She got Sora The Troll, now she's alone at the orphanage.
by うさ October 20, 2019
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