Acronym for "Scared out of my shit"
Ay bruv, I'm soooo sooms rn.
by harrym13 December 20, 2017
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The non-official official pronoun referring to any person of ANY gender. Unlike he and she, this word does not need a possessive pronoun form (such as his or her). Rather, the pronoun 'soome' simply carries an 's or s' to the word to create the singular or plural possessive pronoun, respectively. Completely bypasses the requirement for a gender-specific pronoun. Use as freely you would like. :D
Linguistically Outdated Man: Who is she?
Linguistically Outdated Woman: You mean he.
Politically Incorrect Guy: Nuh-uh, that woman is just a dyke.
Lesbian Chick: Why so slang? That dude is just a homo-sexual.
Traditional Elderly Priest: Your lustful,carnal passions shall be the cause of your damnation!
Tran-sexual Man 'on his heat': Whatever you old man. That man is mine!
Bi-sexual Girl: Guy or girl, still cute. ^_^
Pan-sexual Man: Ya, It doesn't matter. Still would bang
Omni-Sexual Person: Foursome...Way?
Toaster: 'Pling!'
Asexual Platonic Person: Not interested.

Androgynous Person (thinking): or soome would be nice as well...
by rndmcmx January 5, 2017
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soom in and soom out
by llsll February 27, 2020
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It means breathung. (in Korea)
Soom in and soom out.
(breathe in and breathe out.)
by llsll September 5, 2020
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soom in and soom out
by llsll February 27, 2020
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soom out and soom in.
by llsll September 5, 2020
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