Always a liberal. Someone who is too ignorant to understand how the world really works. People who don't understand there are really only 2 genders, that BLM are actually a hate group, that George Floyd got what he deserved. All in all useless people who the world would be better off without.
Dumb snowflake over there thinks his son is actually a girl.
by Arson3110 September 1, 2022
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A person who for whatever reason is more hurt or offended by something said or done than the victim/target of said action. They also have some sort of pull to enact cancel culture and feel obligated to do the cancelling because they have a higher position in society that. The person/group that should be offended.
Person 1: "Man that skunk is trying to rape that cat. We must end his career."
Person 2: "Bud don't be such a Snowflake it's a cartoon, anyone knows it's not real. Heck how is it even affecting you?"
Person 1: Well really it doesn't but I have to do something because that cartoon skunk may rape me."
by Noremac1981 March 12, 2021
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Derogatory term used by Republicans to describe people who refuse to blindly accept Donald Trump as their messiah. Snowflakes may typically be seen protesting and/or questioning government/authority, as is their right & as Americans have done all throughout history, but suddenly with a king in the white house this has become considered weak and/or lame. Non-Snowflakes consider everyone who questions Donald Trump or his judgement a snowflake. They only respect bully tactics similar to their king and anything less deems you a snowflake.
Boo Hoo. Those poor snowflakes are such crybabies they will protest the basketball game.
by independantthinkerloveyoutoo January 8, 2018
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Usually trump supporters and boomers. A snowflake is where you get easily offended about nothing. Like if you don’t agree with someone or they say something “offensive” honestly I think that no matter what someone says even if it has no logic or is terrible suck it up quit being a b***ch and deal with it instead of getting offended because no body cares if you got your feelings hurt. Also don’t get offended over jokes no matter how dark a sense of humor just quit being a crybaby cause dark humor is funny and so many people get offended like chill snowflake. lol.
Person 1(smart person) there are only two genders male and female and what your born with you are.
Person 2(snowflake) That is discrimination against the people tHat is offensive and rude and incorrect you have offended me because I identify as a attack helicopter so therefore that is rape. RAPE. You rapist.
Person 3 shut-up snowflake that’s not rape
Person 2(snowflake) umm ya it is so your research and because you just stereotyped me as a snowflake you are a rapist you should die sinner.
by The alien goat December 15, 2019
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Someone who is sensitive, easily offended, and can't take a joke
Person 1: What's long and black
Person 2: Uhh...
Person 1: The line at KFC XD
Person 2: Hey that's racist I'm offended!!!1!1
Person 1: Snowflake.
by thechadman412 November 26, 2020
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Callsign of a badass US Army Ranger that was a sniper.
When Snowflake starts shooting, you ain't stoppin' him.
by zerodark30 September 24, 2020
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