Some who is an ass and hurts you, or the freaky scary ass animal.
"She's such a snake"

*slides across floor*

J-Hope: I hate snakeu
by LilWolfieWolf December 29, 2018
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Zach Edkins is classic 🐍 . Snakes don’t give a snakes shit about u. U might call someone u don’t like a rat but rats are snake food
“Hey zach what animal are you”
Je suis snake 🐍 “
by Zach the snake snack April 6, 2020
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A person that is twofaced or very sly
That bitch over there told everyone I had a small dick that is pure snakey
by Darth Vader 😂 December 24, 2017
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1. A scamming backstabber. Someone who does something just to get something out of it.

2. A snitch.
1. Man that snake cheated me out of $220

2. Don't trust him, he's a snake.

3. A Tom Mckee is a Snake.
That Tom Mckee is a Snake. Don't trust him.
by Popcake August 11, 2016
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The Kentucky definition of snake or snaking somebody is to run up behind someone and stick your finger up their ass and holler "Snake".
" I really snaked that girl in the hallway." " My Uncle snaked me when I was a kid."
by Jump The Shark May 20, 2009
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A huge, hard, hot, throbbing cock that needs the Kitty Kitty.
"My snake needs your Kitty Kitty".
by The Snake Handler January 30, 2008
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