A bitch whose balls ironically and unfortunately didn't glow like her accent and style,and she is so fed up with Society,culture and routine sex...
ohhh,she'll never make it till the ultimate climax,coz she is a Smart Bitch with Dim Balls
by Shane Norwasky June 11, 2010
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Smart ass that has a higher than average intelligence.
Better than a dumb ass

1) omg. your such a smart ass bitch!!!

2) I know, but that's better than being a dumb ass.
Brandy Bedford...... she is a Smart Ass Bitch, I'm going to grow up to be a smart ass bitch just like her. I wanna be the next B.B.
by Army_Wife March 27, 2013
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One who uses their smart phone to do the bidding of someone who does not have a smart phone
Cindy: " Yeah, I was that woman's smart phone bitch Friday, she had my thumbs tapping the keyboard all night long."
Lynn:, "Damn, I hate it when that happens, why don't they get their own smart phone?"
by cindylouwholigan January 17, 2012
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Dylan is a smart ass nigga bitch. He can take anything seriously.
by The Shrigga September 1, 2019
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