to bang some chick, shag her rotten, you get the idea
Chandra got some sorority chick drunk and wound up skewering the beaver.
by CW Lang June 9, 2005
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Sexual position in which two guys kneeling, facing each other, girl between them: one cock in mouth, and the other in the vag. The trick is, that the girl must be curled up in fetal position, and the two guys must hold her whole weight by the sheer force of their erected penis.

For added difficulty - set a campfire under the bitch, and turn her around slowly, as a skewered ox on a barbecue party.
Dude, Jim and I hooked up with that drunk girl last night and ran the skewered ox on her.
by achaholic December 7, 2011
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where a dude with a massive penis sticks he dick and shoves it through the ass and it comes out the pussy and continues for multiple people the dick is the scewer and the person the meat

for the memes
wow ryder where you in a skewer dick
by D HD fhhffdrg May 20, 2019
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When you put poo all over your penis , and someone eats it off in the fashion of eating a skewer.
Who's hungry ? It's not a BBQ but I'm serving sewer skewers!
by Steriks187 August 3, 2017
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A woman who has suffered vaginal tearing through sexual intercourse. This can also occur to gay men with torn sphincters.
Dude, I accidently made her a skewered spider monkey last night. It was worth it though
by adfsafewqg February 20, 2008
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Things that you use that are put in your dick ass which you put either meat or vegetables or whatever f'ing random
Tails: Have you tried deez nuts skewers?
Sonic: They're incredible
Tails: Ikr?
by Flow3yTheGreat March 30, 2023
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having sex in the olive garden and you shove a bread stick up a girls ass and then forcing it down her throat.
gave my waitress the Italian skewer last night.
by notaguineapig November 8, 2022
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