Most effective sound to make when you stub your toe.
Me: *walks around the kitchen island, slamming my foot straight into the leg of the metal stool
Also me: SCREECH

Mom: there she goes again, screeching at her foot
by GreyBlueSkxs May 28, 2020
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hey bobby, a liberal is trying to communicate

fat, vegan, sjw, liberal, feminist: screee-reeee-eeeee-errreeeechhh
liberal in an argument, screech
by riuck February 19, 2019
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adj. Describes one who is extremely intoxicated and removes his clothes despite popular approval.
Dude, Drew is fucking screeched.
by Nate June 4, 2004
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A phrase commonly used by the fandom side of the social media website tumblr to describe a reaction of an inhuman noise (that sounds like a pterodactyl screech) one has made after they see something that pleases them greatly and instantly excites them.
*A cute drawing of OTP shows up on dash*

Tumblr User: *pterodactyl screech*
by Carlyndra September 8, 2013
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Synonymous with 'Gay Panic', defined as the high-pitched voice-cracking screech a gay produces when they're in a fit of chaotic gay panic. Usually when their gay beliefs (such as a gay believing they're top, twink, daddy etc.) are being questioned. Or when someone attractive tells them something nice and/or flirty.
A hoe you call best friend: "When Craig picked you up after you tripped like a drunk bitch and asked you if you were fine, I swear I saw you blush. Are you a bottom?"
You: "*gay screech* I SWEAR I'M A TOP, A TOP I SAY"
by Brokkobish March 4, 2021
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Non-autistic people getting worked up over something unimportant.
I see a celebrity who always says stupid things has said something stupid again and the neurotypicals are treating it like it's a big deal. What a load of neurotypical screeching.
by Sioraf as Na Cillini July 19, 2017
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