1.To consume, suck, inhale, snort, drink, smoke,eat with unstoppable vigor

2. To perform an act that others would consider socially inappropriate, morally depraved, and/or completely disgusting

3. To annoy others with inappropriate amounts of impatience, and pestering.

4. To solicit the presence of others when clearly unwelcome.
1. Aww dude, I just saw him Schrade that tit like a starving Ethiopian infant

2. Johnny really schraded it up, when he argued about gay porn stars at U Hots the other day.

3. That guy was such a Schrades when he pestered us to go to the dining hall after he hit that bowl.

4. It was really a pain in the balls trying to get rid of that Schrades before we went to the party.
by Zej "hung like a horse" Weyman January 31, 2009
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Ahh Schrade,The kids in it Their oh so bad.....I can't turn my back for one second,and theyll steal my stuff! Ohh ive seen them make substitutes cry!,Yes i REALLY have.And sometimes there would be sudden riots in the hallways,i once almost got trampled):and the funny thing is is that.... im one of them...MUHAHAHAHA.
Go Falcons! (Say It or they'll Fuck You Upp)

-Schrade middle school kids

by Robott<3 May 28, 2010
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