Bunch of wankers.
Male Scally: age ranges from 9 to about 30,when theyve spent all the money they manage to scrub off the floor on weed, or possibly cheap solvents. Slap head, flat peaked baseball cap stuck to the back of the head.BLurbbery Scarf. Henri Lloyd, Lascoste, Fred Perry or some cheap sports make top, with shitty joggers tucked in to multi coloured socks with a pair of offensive (fake) nike shox. Lovely greasy skin, maybe acne, due to the endless days stood in, or outside of McDonalds, or because their single mothers cant afford running water for them to wash in their cardboard boxes.A hell of a lot of plastic gold jewelry, they all want to be black, listen 2 shite music R'n'B, Rap hip-hop etc. Get wasted every night because its so cool.
Female Scally: as with the male species age ranges from 9, but women dont grow out of scalliness until around 40.Laid by their 14th birthday, kids before their 15th. Similar dress to the male also, but occasionally skirts are worn with diamond patterened tights, mainly from a £1 shop. Crappy flat boots, pink suede probably. Short denim skirts riding up their fat saggy arses, with large white flabby bellys hanging over the top. Furry anoraks are popular. Hair must be scraped back in a high bunch, with 3 cans of hairspray to secure. A bottle of orange foundation, so their face resembles that of and umpa lumpa. Not to mention the36 plastic necklaces they have to wear, they have their ears peirced aroun 40 times per ear, with of course, plastic gold earrings that commonly touch their shoulders. Whoever came up with this idea was probably a gypsy and should be shot.
Both always smoking, as it is so cool.
Have no ability to speak standard english and use phrases like "ur mum" under immense confrontational pressure.only start a fight if they have 50 other scalls behind them.never actually end up hitting anyone, because when they get a quick retaliation such as "fuck off donkey dick" they end up shittind themsleves and coming out with ".......ur mum?"
Scallies are gay and all need to die die die die die.
by I hate scalls February 15, 2005
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Another name for a slut, whore, hoe, or tramp.
Usually said when gossiping about a girl.
Person one: That girl right there is a brainer!
Person two: EWW. What a scally!
by thiiszbiiotch April 25, 2008
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Scallies use words like 'nyeh' i think its a combination of both no and yeah, when they disagree with you they like to say 'nah mate' and they often like to call 'ya mam' as you walk by.
Male scallies are easily recognised by their tracksuit, pants tucked into socks? (don't ask me why) blue/white hoody or baseball cap all nike, reebox or addidas for real scallies and usually seen with a bike and gold sovereign rings hang around in groups of 5-7
Female scallies wear tight clothes and large earings, and don't forget the clown necklace.
I live in Salford a city close to manchester which has been voted scally central of the uk, by the way i don't like the no good, window smashing, mam calling, thieves i am a mosher and have to be careful going to and from school
by Scallys are Gay March 19, 2004
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A rougeuish young type, originating from Liverpool. Famous for roving Europe in Liverpol FCs hey day, nicking designer training shoes from unsuspecting foreigners, and carrying razor blades to whip designer labels off clothes. Talk in a very fast , barely intellible mix of nortern english and irish accents.
Football and style and misbehaving are there religions, the below individuals are their gods.
Wayne Rooney. Stephen Gerrard..both can be described as scally.
by charlie dirk June 13, 2006
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Although usually violent and vicous creatures, who pray on nicotene and the rare 'Kebab', there are many docile versions of the standard scallie Xenomorph which have been recently discovered. These tame scallies also called 'Scallets' will keep they're distance from other human bioforms such as packs of 'emos' and gaggles of 'goths', they will instead take to smoking in there bedrooms and eventually end up dying in gutters due to excessive consmption of halluceonegenic drugs. A shame considering most 'Scallets' are quality people who want nothing more than to live peaceful, smoke filled life cycles.
That is all for Wildlife on two this week, tune in next time for an in depth look at the rare 'Hobo'.
by Citezen:Erased April 8, 2005
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a sub-culture usually associted with working class youths, the term origionally coming from and abbreiviation of scallywag. Typicly xeen in low quality sports wear and often physlicly and peronly crass obnoxious and genrally unpleasent. genrally criminal in nature and with marked tendancy towards genrally obnoxious behavour see townie
a scally picked a fight with me the other day for no apparent reason
by zombiejack April 28, 2004
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Scallys (or Radgies in geordieland) are young'uns who wear sportswear and 9 carat gold jewellry by the ton. They dress sort of like a wigga, but more downmarket (Ghetto Ridiculous). On a wiggaey note, scallys adopt as many Jamaican slang and mannerisms as possible, though any true yardie would kick their asses all the way back to Toxteth/St Anns/Moss Side/St Pauls wihtout breaking sweat. Not all scallies are mobile phone stealing, fight starting car theives... but from what I know from living in a genuine scummy tower block - most mobile phone stealing, fight starting car theives are scallys. Scally language is guttural english of the worst kind, but it's very (annoyingly) easy to pick up, innit. Female scallys breed young, and call their offspring Chantelle. They also wear earrings you could drive a bus through.

The pinnacle of the scally is the dealer (Same as, but more expensive sportswear, a BMW with chrome alloys and lots of drugs to sell). The scally mode of transport is the stolen car. The scally music is.. whatever bland RnB/Pop/smooth rap is in the charts that week, or anything that sounds Jamaican.
Shu' it, Chan'elle.
Lend us 50p for bus, mista.
by BlueMeanieUK January 6, 2004
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