A symbol, or something else of the sort, used to indicate sarcasm online. These include, but aren't limited to "quotation marks" , putting /s at the end of the sentence or using either (!) or (?) at the end of the sentence.
I "can't wait" to go to school!
Facebook is so secure! /s
I love having to add sarcasm mark to this section(!)
by No1InternetUser August 23, 2018
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Putting the tilde (~) after a statement where tone in unavailable (generally online), to indicate sarcasm. Lifted from: liloia.com/archives/000211.php
Thanks, that posting about how you got a raise made me feel much better about my dead-end job~ <--- sarcasm mark indicates "speaker" (poster) being sarcastic
by redking666 October 8, 2009
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