Author of the Throne of Glass and A Court of Thorns and Roses series, better know as Expert of Sinking Ships and Breaking Hearts. When reading her books, expect to spend days crying over your favorite characters who she has so heartlessly torn apart.
"Wow, Empire of Storms really screwed me over."
"I know right. Sarah J Maas is a beautiful monster."
by fireheart.03 May 9, 2017
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Author of the throne of glass and a court of thorns and roses series ( aka ACOTAR, ACOMAF and ACOWAR). Whilst reading her books, you should prepare for unexpected plot twists and painful endings. She is not afraid to kill characters you love, and when those characters die, part of you will die with them
Sarah J Maas' books are painful. I think I've been a victim of MAAS destruction
by ;; anonymousme August 21, 2017
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