Santa Ana winds are strong, extremely foul winds. They can range from hot to cold, depending on the prevailing temperatures in region. The winds are known for the that wind that they bring, and are infamous for fanning regional wildfires
We were playing poker when Jessica let go of a Santa Ana Wind in front of the fan. We blame it on the 3 baby back ribs she ate. Very hot and foul. It was like 8 people got farted on at once. It's crop dusting on an another level.
by RJPorsche May 31, 2010
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To fall from grace very quickly; wasting your life partying, drinking, fucking, and glamorizing Jersey Shore and the Kardashians to the point where your morning hangover consists of you having lost your future, your friends, your family, and your true self.

This is a reference to the cities of Anaheim and Santa Ana being in a close walking distance (Anaheim is seen as the "nicer" city while Santa Ana is seen as "ghetto")

To go nowhere in your life.
"Yesterday Dumbass Jessica was bragging on Facebook about how she’s out with her friends partying in hotels in the city and that everyone should be jealous. This morning she’s posted she’s stuck in Anaheim and has to walk to Santa Ana." -- creepycreepmeout, Tumblr

A prime example of walking from Anaheim to Santa Ana.
by The Chilly January 28, 2012
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