A word to describe someone who looks sad when they’re angry
Elli: Is Alyssa sad or angry? Allí: Idk she said she’s mad but she looks sad!! Elli: I guess she’s just a Sangry type of person
by ELLY HII November 24, 2020
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When you’re so angry that you want to cry.
“You’re so frustrating!”
Why’re you crying dude?”
“Coz I’m Sangry!!”
by Fa lalalala lalalala September 10, 2018
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when you are sex deprived and angry about it.
Noah: I'm sangry!!!
Natalie: What the hell is sangry??
Noah: It's like hangry but sex angry!

Natalie: Oh! I'm sangry then too!
by sangry69 June 16, 2019
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When someone does something and then feels a welling-up of emotion that is both a combination of sad and angry. Usually happens when #1 someone does or says something dumb, mean, stupid, or silly, or when #2 someone else says something dumb, mean, stupid, or silly to someone.
Friend 1: "Happy birthday!"
Friend 2: "It's not my birthday."
Friend 1: "Oh, oops. I'm sangry at myself now."

Friend 1: "I'm so glad we're on an island!"
Friend 2: "We're not on an island. We're at Scofield Point."
Friend 1: "Oh. Now I feel sangry."

Friend 1: "There's a coyote outside our tent!"
Friend 2: "That's just a tent bag."
Friend 1: "How embarrassing! I'm so sangry!"

Friend 2: "I'm going to make a fat joke about you!"
Friend 1: "Aww, don't make me feel sangry."
by Otis_Fields_Roe February 17, 2011
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The bartender is taking forever I’m getting sangry.
by Mmillz October 10, 2019
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when your sad and angry at the same time like cry mad sad yup
"im about to sangry cry" "no jim dont sangry cry"
by giorgioissohotomg March 18, 2021
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When you are hungry for sex and you are angry that you haven't had sex in a while. It is link hangry except you are sangry for sex.
I am sangry for some sex.

I am in a long distance relationship so I am sangry
by SpongebobGayCon February 22, 2019
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