Something that is both sad and badass at the same time.
by SageBloop November 19, 2021
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The use of nudity, most often female, to accentuate a disturbing or graphic scene in a film. The viewer is unnerved by the contents of the scene, and the corresponding nudity serves to further disturb the audience by juxtaposing two physiologically contrasting images. It is most often rear nudity that is portrayed, because of its less offensive nature. It is mostly applied to women, because of the trope that nude men are funny.

This can also be executed in other entertainment mediums, but the visual nature of film allows great effectiveness.
Common in horror series such as "Saw", and other splatter film franchises.

"The killer approached Angela as blood from his chainsaw oozed onto her bare body, drenching her curves in thick red gore. Her sad ass quivered in fear"

A SFW example is found in the "Spring Breakers" trailer
by Traifuscia De-Narius December 19, 2013
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An ass that is saggy giving it the appearence of being unhappy
guy1: Hey check out that slut over there!
guy2: She's decent but she's got a bit of a sad ass.
guy1: Well I'd still use her as a cum dumpster.
by Jimmy Rude October 25, 2007
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It’s when your booty cheeks invert in or look really saggy and is very unappealing to the human eye
Dom-“Yo Chris that bitch with the glasses got a case of chronic sad ass”
Chris-“yo why that shit saggy as hell😂”
by Sad neck October 31, 2019
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A bitch that is pathetic and below the average bitch. She's the bitch that everybody forgot about.
Me: Remember Pam from highschool?
Drea: whatever happened to that sad ass bitch?
Me: exactly lol
by DreasMomma February 10, 2016
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Ass sad is the new age version of "butt hurt"
After all we are a constantly changing society and we must simply...Move along.(censors allow us more freedom now!)

1. When one of your friends refuses to get over something and move along and wont stop pouting, whining, and acting the victim.
" DAMN IT ALEX! Stop sitting around all ass sad because Cris broke up with you. Put on a club fit and come with us to the club."

"Look. When I said you dance like crap, I was just joking. Now stop being all ass sad and get off the bar and get out on the wood and pick up a bed time story
by eJAKEulate January 15, 2008
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when someone looks like a sad fat ass hippo lookin bitch.
ian and ashley be lookin like a sad fat ass hippo lookin bitch
by sad fat ass March 16, 2019
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