usually a graduate student on the struggle bus, fixated in the oral stage of Freudian psychodynamics who is hopelessly unable to concentrate on any subject matter for more than a twenty minutes span, mostly sacrificing her social life to further engross herself in the depraved portmanteaus and neologisms coined by a professor she romanticizes as the ideal Humbert Humbert and has no desire to desecrate this foolish and mind-numbing yet strangely stimulating idolatry by knowing him on a personal level. he disseminates spiteful aspersions and scathing critiques from all subjects ranging from inmates to britney spears, treating the web as sort of burn book outlet for his insecurities and frustrations, ultimately rendering them entirely transparent to anyone he encounters. this usually consists of blasting his colleagues and roasting a particular student he harbors tremendous and nearly ludicrous amounts of disdain for, culminating into an insidious and almost pathologically projected hatred on anyone who mildly umbrages him. this is ultimately a manifestation of him redirecting the frustration toward his helpless infant son toward society at large. anyone who takes the time and reads anything he writes is instantly labeled pathetic by none other than himself, although he is clearly spared from such a label by being the one who invested the time writing such definitions.
i love ruperta, she's so dreamy.
by The-real-cobra-queen August 30, 2019
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