When you wash your entire truck with the window cleaning squeegee at the gas station.
Hey Rick do you see that guy right there giving his truck a redneck car wash?

Yeah Lizz, so much for cleaning your windows, unless you have 45 minutes to wait for the squeegee?
by Redzz75 September 21, 2019
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A rain storm is approching and your car is dirty, so you decide to leave your car out so it gets washed by the storm.
Guy 1: "Man, your car is filthy!"
Guy 2: "Yeah, but it's supposed to rain tonight so I'll just leave it out side and hit up the redneck car wash."
by iroc78 March 11, 2009
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To cover your truck and / or other 4x4 vehicle and maybe yourself in mud.
Guy 1: "Hey wanna go muddin Saturday?"
Guy 2: "Sure, my truck could use a redneck car wash."
by someguy283298 November 4, 2006
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