that flag is the naval flag of the Confederacy, but any way if its racist cause the kkk carries it look at a pic of a klan march ,they carry the US flag to so is it racist too ,and by the way lincon invade the south , the south didn't invade the north and he wanted their cotton money and it does not matter that Lee surrendered cause only the president can surrender troops and idiot from kentucky the yankees from kansas ivaded your state and half your state supported the confederacy thats why it has a star on the confederate flag so if its racist your states racist, do some research before you talk about something you know nothing about
90% of free slaves fought under the rebel flag for the CSA or stayed in the south to help the CSA and none of the main generals of the Confederacy believed in slavery
by rebel from maine June 4, 2008
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A weapon, mainly used by the UCLA, NAACP, and the Northern liberal media. A convinient label slapped on the ass of every white southerner for mass stereotyping. Today it is waved in the North to stir up more anger and hate than it ever stood for in the South. For Southerners it is a chain binding them to the chair of everlasting repentance and sorrow for a war that no one alive today served in.
Man #1: "I think Jim Bob is a racist prick."

Man #2: "Why do you think that?"

Man #1: "Well I heard he's from Arkansas. I bet he has a rebel flag hanging in his front yard and a white hooded robe in his closet. I bet he watches NASCAR and PRO WRESTLING to!"

Man #2: "Yes, I suppose you're right."
by What'sinaname? March 21, 2007
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