Tennagers/Kids that suck up to their parents. Posh teens.
Rah kids

Rah girl- Refuses to drink beer, only wine and champeign. Will suck up to their dad and somehow or another always get their own way.

Rah boy- Wont go out with their friends on weekends they go and play gold or such sports with their dads. Wearing their pastel colored £300 golf outfits.
by Katiey April 10, 2008
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Rah Rah Kids are weird ass people that are most likely to shoot up the school and hates their parents. They can also be those who believe that they are otherkin, they speak in Owo text, or do anything that isn’t normal so it makes them weird. No one wants to be their friend at school so they are avoided. Their only friends are other fellow rah rah kids and this becomes a Rah Rah.
“Josh is such a rah rah kid.”
“Did you see that rah rah kid run like Naruto?”

Fuck my mom, fuck my dad, rah rah!”
by Amberece April 29, 2018
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