When you’re wanting or thinking about being lazy, you’re technically productively lazy. Since being productive is setting your mind on doing something, then doing it, makes wanting to be lazy productive.
Andrew; You’re lazy.

George; No, I’m productively lazy.
by kid cuisine February 9, 2019
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Someone who is productive and gets things done so they can be lazy later.
Im a lazy-productive person who likes to get my case study and other hw done early so I can chill back and smoke from my bong.
by CelestialSeaCow February 11, 2018
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A lazy-productive person isn’t someone who likes to get things done so they can be lazy later.
I define myself as a lazy-productive person because I want to get things done so I can smoke out of my bong at night and read.
by CelestialSeaCow February 12, 2018
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