faeceas that, in the toilet, resemble a chocolate moose cum rolo pudding.
"hey roger! come look at my poopie pie, it looks like a chocolate moose" Roger: "sweeeet"
by Englista March 9, 2009
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A large poop inside of a honey graham cracker crust, stuffed inside a bag full of various liquids (bodily fluids, alcohol, etc..) and baked to perfection.
Conventional oven : 12-14 minutes
Microwave : 4 minutes
My girl asked me what I wanted for the celebration party at school next week, I told her I wanted a Poopy Pie on top of a Cleveland steamer all inside a Dutch oven. With a side of angry seagull.
by 2PsandaD February 27, 2016
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when you wanna say lets go fuck in front of your kids with out actually saying it
Poopie pie???? (yes ma'am i wana go smash)
by cookkie November 21, 2019
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