A sarcastic counter-expression used when someone has claimed that a person is "layered" – in the sense that while they might be bitter or sour on the outside, on the inside they're actually sweet. The expression refers to the idea that as with the pastry in question, while the top seems crusty and mean – and there might be some sweetness underneath – at the TRUE core of the person, they really ARE just crusty and mean. So the expression refers to someone who is truly rotten to the core, and that the sugar they throw out is merely a ploy to try to keep people from realizing this. Charismatic serial killers, or brutal tyrants, for example, are layered like pie.
The observation leading to this phrase was first made by the character of Dr. Horrible/Billy (Neil Patrick Harris) in "Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" in reference to Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion), as shown below.
Penny: At first I thought he was kind of cheesy–
Billy: Trust your instincts.
Penny: But, he turned out to be totally sweet. Sometimes people are layered like that. There's something totally different underneath than what's on the surface.
Billy: And sometimes there's a third, even deeper level, and that one is the same as the top surface one.
Penny: Huh?
Billy: Like with pie.

Woman with black eye: I know my new boyfriend might seem like a drunken, misogynistic ball of domestic violence waiting to happen, but he's actually really nice, he's layered like that. And now he's promised to only beat me on Wednesdays!
Friend: Yeah, layered like pie. Call the cops on him!
by Astrolounge January 17, 2010
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Phrase used to politely decline to engage in discussion, with the implication that the original speaker is deliberately trying to upset you and/or posting flamebait.
"So what does everybody think of these illegals coming across the border?"

"I like pie."
by Crispini April 3, 2006
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the most over used "random phrase" since the beginning of time, or at least the beginning of the internet. it's now become expected and predictable.
person #1: i'm bored. how 'bout you?

person #2: i like pie...

person #1: -____- shutup..
by cheeznipzryummy January 19, 2009
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1. A distraction to interject into the middle of any conversation to direct attention to yourself.

2. A conversation starter in an awkward moment of meeting someone for the first time.

3. An internet phrase used to show how childish the user is.

4. An exclamation of how much you enjoy a layer cake with filling
I Like Pie
by Kille Joye September 13, 2010
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A cliche originating in the United States, it is most commonly used during a moment of silence, typically to lighten up the mood or just grab someone's attention (with total and utter randomness).
(Two people are sitting on the couch and not socializing with each other whatsoever.)

Person 1: I like pie!
Person 2: Me too.
by Cummy worm December 27, 2011
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A phrase used to express ones liking of pie.

Cos it's awesome.
Person #1: So, what food do you like?

Person #2: I LIKE PIE c:
by EMMA THE PIE EATER May 20, 2013
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Voicing support for these classic delicacies, flavor of chocolate, lemon, apple, strawberry, etc. Not pumpkin though; it kinda sucks.
"....I like pie."
by YINever March 11, 2005
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