(Coined by The Kane Show of HOT 99.5 in the Washington D.C. area)

Used to add extra information to the end of the comment/statement made. Similar to the acronym PS and used in the same situtaions. Variations also include FYI.com, PS.org, FYI.net, PS.edu, etc.
Person 1: Hey, last night was great, call me sometime
Person 2: Yeah it was,.... oh and PS.com, you might wanna get yourself tested.
by live1nce April 13, 2011
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(Coined by The Kane Show of HOT 99.5 in the Washington D.C. area)

Used to add extra information to the end of the comment/statement made. Similar to the acronym PS and used in the same situtaions. Variations also include FYI.com, PS.org, FYI.net, PS.edu, etc.
Person 1: Hey, last night was great, call me sometime
Person 2: Yeah it was,.... oh and PS.com, you might wanna get yourself tested.
by livelife2 May 2, 2011
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