The guy with this name is introvert and extrovert both, it just depends on the people and the situation. Also, he is very shy at some points in time. The most beautiful thing about him is he respects his parents a lot and wants to see them happy always. He doesn't have many hobbies but he might like trekking and stuff like that. Also, he is the most handsome guy in his friend circle and most of the girls instantly fall for him 😂(just kidding). He is the very kind and sweet person you would ever meet. ps; He might be a DOCTOR or might do a job of helping the people in need.
Pradnesh is a very ambitious person
by Ur well wisher😂 December 4, 2021
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Pradnesh is the gawd

Sexiest and humble guy always help others
Pradnesh is gawd
by Antarctica Gawd November 23, 2021
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Pradnesh is the gawd

Sexiest and humble guy always help others
Pradnesh is gawd
by Antarctica Gawd November 23, 2021
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Pradnesh is a very unique name,hence people with this name have a very unique personality... they're hot, handsome and are scholars since they're born, people with this name are very kind, and like taking care of other people...they dream big and sometimes achieve it too
Pradnesh is sexy as fuck
by Here@Officialdictionary November 26, 2021
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Pradnesh is an amazingly beautiful person. He's such a jerk at times especially with the ones he loves. But he has a heart of gold. His words hurt like daggers but his actions swoon you. He can cross any limit for love but is afraid of opening up.

If you ever meet a Pradnesh. Stay by his side. ❤
Pradnesh is a very strong guy, unafraid and unbelievably brave.
by Wild Cat 22 November 24, 2021
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Pradnesh is an amazingly beautiful person. He's such a jerk at times especially with the ones he loves. But he has a heart of gold. His words hurt like daggers but his actions swoon you. He can cross any limit for love but is afraid of opening up.

If you ever meet a Pradnesh. Stay by his side. ❤
Pradnesh is a very strong guy, unafraid and unbelievably brave.
by Wild Cat 22 November 24, 2021
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He's a legend. He's a god. He's Pradnesh. This man is the most epic gamer of all epic gamers.
How did you win that game? Oh, your name is Pradnesh.
by ScarletPhantom32 November 24, 2021
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