A suburb in North West England. After driving around helplessly wondering where the fuck it is, your friend who lives there tells you it's actually spelt "Horwich"
Mel: WTF I have used up ££/$$ of fuel driving around looking for Orrich I must phone my friend and ask for help.... Dude where TF is this Orrich?

Person from Orrich: Just look for the signs you're literally around the corner

Mel, spotting the sign reading the sign for Horwich that she's driven past 1,000 times "FUCK!"
by Schmilliemoo March 15, 2011
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A town near Bolton in North West England. Actually written as "HORWICH" but pronounced by the locals as above, many an hour can be spent driving around its proximity wondering where the fuck it is having only seen signs for Horwich
Visitor "Excuse me mate can you tell me where Orrich is?"
Local "Aye this is Orrich, love!" Points to a sign reading "Horwich"
Visitor "FFS!"
by schmilliemoo March 21, 2011
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