Not to be confused with the time (Noon), noon (spelled with all lowercase or all caps depending on how extreme it is) is used to refer to a person who has done something stupid, made a grammatical mistake or plays McCree
that noon, he forgot to add a comma between "made a grammatical mistake and plays McCree"
by bardmain October 9, 2017
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Nigger or faggot either one works.
Get away from that child you noon
by May 19, 2021
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(n) meaning someone who is too gay to function. Abnormal in everyway apart from penis size.
by Steven_the_namer September 15, 2008
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when a socially acceptable time for a person to drink alcohol
"Should you be drinking at 10 am?"
"Its noon somewhere"
by LaLa December 12, 2004
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Best time for a gun fight in Philly

Must be a gangsta to understand
They gonna fight at noon.
by nut case April 17, 2004
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basically the same as 4:20. originated in Richwoods, MO to mean a time to smoke some dank. a good code to use for calling up your order on the phone

damn it's been a long day... I hope I can get some noon..
man, I'm so nooned right now..
by almostaskater June 21, 2009
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