Some one who either fails or is really bad at masturbation.
Mostly used in online games while flameing some one.
In rare instances may be used in the real world to flame some one.
1. oh my god!!! you stole my spawn, you noobator!!!
2. ahhhh I am such a noobator, i ripped my scrotum.
by f22ace248 January 6, 2008
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a break in the playing of a particular game by a noob in order to hopefully recover from their noob status.
That's the tenth time in a row I've lost im taking a noobatical. Hopefully a break will help me get back into my groove.
by aweTastic September 1, 2008
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noun, someone projecting their own self-esteem issue onto other players in video games accusing them of your own shortcomings
by Orlais May 30, 2022
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