Challenging a persons outlandish / far-fetched story. Once challenged, story teller must respond to it right away. (No Nigger Muffins = True Story , Nigger Muffins = Lie/False Story)

If storyteller claims "No Nigger Muffins" and is found have lied intentionally, storyteller may be kicked in the scrotum by all who witnessed it (one kick per witness).
Drew, "The other day my boy got hit by a truck and lived!"
Ebo: "Nigger Muffins"
Drew; "No Nigger Muffins, however he is in a coma."
by A-Rotolo May 12, 2008
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a black man that fucks someone while eating a muffin
i got fucked by that nigger muffin last night and he got so many crumbs in my vagina
by iamnotracis December 6, 2010
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