When ya own nigga does you dirty and should be put to death
John: Let me add yo girl.
Tyrone: Nah homie you think you're slick
John: *adds yo girl then fucks yo girl*
Tyrone: Sorry nigga but you are sentenced to death for "Treason By Niggatry"
by Koi Boy April 21, 2018
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The art or state of being a fuck boy
DaQuan displayed true fuck niggatry when he cheated on Sally.
by fuck niggatry March 10, 2015
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Bitchus Niggatrious is a deadly disease contracted by many people. If they dont treat it in time they turn into Bitch Niggas.
Guy 1:Look at the pussy sitting down, he must have Bitchus Niggatrious.

Guy 2:Shit, Keep him the fuck away from me
by Captain Assbeard February 10, 2012
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In etymological relation to the slang term 'Nigga' and the word 'Audacity' ; combined to form 'Niggatry' - which is an action or statement made by a person (*of ANY race or color*) that would be deemed by most as: Inappropriate, Scandalous, Conspiring, Questionable, and/or Ill-intended in nature.
"You know that kid Danny down the Block? That punk really sold the tablet I let him borrow for a gram of some backyard boogie ass weed! I SWEAR -The Niggatry of some people!"
by MilkyMartian May 6, 2023
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The act of dark sorcery or a black person making something hood like
by T1Dildo September 7, 2023
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Very profound characteristics of black people from the hood who show up on Hoodsite and Worldstar
EX: At that basketball game when those hood black people were screaming loud as hell and acting like they had never been anywhere before there was some serious niggatry going on.
by NagzRedd October 13, 2020
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Black people acting in a normal way (ghetto).
There’s a whole lot of niggatry going on in here.
by Swaggyjayden October 12, 2021
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