Nicky is the most honest and sexiest guy you have ever met and trusted, he would always cheer you up when your down ^-^
Hes sweet and cute and adorable, even when hes being shy.
He's hella weird and yet still loveable😍
He would always put a smile on your face and somtimes he can be mean but you cant stay mad at his pretty face, also can be turned on when you tease him 😏
Te amo muchho nicky!!❤
by Buttercup😘 March 16, 2015
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A name or nick-name most commonly used for girls. It is a non-slutty way of spelling the name but is usually attributed to blonds and they tend to have large boobs. For some reason they usually tend to enjoy video games and tea. They are also very cute but are independent.
"Hey I asked out that girl over there but she said no." "That sucks what was her name?" "Nickie" "Oh well than obviously she's to good for you."
by xoackles477 December 9, 2009
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Short form for nicholas.

Another variant of nigga.
"Nicky please!"

"Tell that Lil' Nicky to get up off that sherm."
by Skateboard P May 9, 2006
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A male who sits alone at home on his computer, vigorously masturbating at the thousands of Porn files on his computer. Suffers from PMO.
Friend: "Hey have you seen Jenson" Me: " No he hasn't been seen in weeks...." "I think he's a 'Nicky' now."
by P(Monk) April 3, 2015
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A male slut. He tries to show off his ass (amongst other things). Some think he is sexy but he spends most of his time jacking off alone in his room while watching intense porn. He is hated by most but others want to f*** him.
Girl 1: Damnnn he is so sexy...
Girl 2: Trust me don't go there, he is SUCH a Nicky.
Girl 3: I know right? I was gonna go home with him but I reaized he is SUCH a man slut...
by Gileslovesasterix April 6, 2016
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The sexiest hottest piece of wonder-bread in the room. A sex-kitten

sexyhotwonderfulfucking sexysex-kitten
Wow. Check out that Nicky... *bits lip seductively*
by *sticks tounge out* January 5, 2009
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Nicky, short for Nicholas, is someone who is so edgy they dont high-five due to it being too mainstream.
Nicky is so edgy, one time he rawr'd so hard all the guys panties dropped!
by RetroZombie December 23, 2016
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