The amazing singer of the band A Rocket To The Moon. On Fueled By Ramen. Fake Ginger. Has a dog named Angus. Lives in Braintree, Massachusetts. Is on tour most of the time. Friends with The Maine. Full Name is Nicholas Bernard Santino. Birthday July 28th, 1988.
1: Do you love Nick Santino?
2: Duh! He's a fake ginger.
by namrevlis August 25, 2009
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Nick Santino is the founder and singer for fueled by ramen band, A Rocket to the Moon. Nick Santino began A Rocket to the Moon on his own, but later stole Justin Richards from the band Brighten to play guitar in his band. Nick Santino is probably most famous for being a fake ginger and his love of Taylor Swift. He spends his off time obessing over his dog, covering taylor swift, and finding other bands to steal members from.
Nick Santino is my favorite ginger! ...oh wait.
by DemiLov March 17, 2009
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