1. Room 213.
2. A dark room, corner, confined or enclosed area which nerds go to hide from the outside world, especially sunlight.
3. An enclosed area where nerds may thrive, without contact with the outside.

New inhabitants of the Nerd Cave are called "Nerdlings".
1. Nerds tend to in the Nerd Cave during times of intense sunlight.
2. Nerds may hibernate in Nerd Caves for long periods of time.
3. The annual Nerd-a-thon will be held at the Nerd Cave.
4. Scientists have discovered that the Nerd Cave is where the evolution from humans to nerds begins.
by nerd.cave.213 January 18, 2012
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A really, REALLY messy room with a tapered ceiling, LED lights, at least 3 easily accessible electronics, empty soda cans, and huge curtains always covering the (optional) windows.
"Man, I went to Jeremy's place the other day, his room's a total Nerd Cave."
by homeboyofthecave January 18, 2023
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